
Maiden Erlegh School Weather Club

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The Maiden Erlegh School Weather Club meets once per week for half an hour of intrigue and excitement about the Geography in our skies. We collect deep archive data reaching back as far as the 25th November 2009, recorded every fifteen minutes. Our weather station delivers accurate readings which, for our local area, have proven slightly more accurate than even the MET Office. We have already covered subjects in depth including cloud formation, climate change skepticism, weather fronts, tornadoes-despite a somewhat faulty experiment and hurricanes which can now be seen on our website's stormtracker. Other planets have been highlighted and an ex MET Office professional weatherman has shown great interest in our meetings. The effects of the recent Icelandic volcano ash cloud have also been investigated by our team with satellite maps. Make sure that you look at the live data on the Maiden Erlegh homepage and click on the sticker for more detailed information.

Our weather homepage can be accessed here

The weather forecast on the EEG home page is provided by the Maiden Erlegh School Weather Club. All complaints about bad weather should be sent to them.
Contact the EEG WebMaster